Mischievous Mythcreants, a group show of trouble loving creatures who enjoy putting a monkey wrench into your plans.
Foiled plans, ichy socks, misplaced keys, all prized achievements of Michievous Mythcreants. They'll mess with you, rattle you and ultimately make you stop in your tracks.
They take their job seriously and won't stop until they've accomplished their goal - to annoy you. Come take a look at the creatures we've carefully hung on the wall for your pleasure. Some are cute, some are creepy and some are downright ugly.
UMA Gallery is housed in the old mortuary Mosswood Chapel, 3630 Telegraph Ave. Oakland. Cross street is 37th. Street parking. MacArthur Bart Station is a 5 minute walk. Close to Temescal Restaurants and Bars.
Open Reception April 9th 6-8pm.
Runs through May 14th
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Earlier Event: April 3
Castro Art Mart
Later Event: June 3
City Art Opening Reception